The Best Lasers

LaserRN offers a full spectrum of FDA-approved, state-of-the-art hair removal, spider vein and sun spot technology treatment options. Laser treatment works well for every ethnicity and skin type.

Tetra CO2

The Tetra CO2 laser, which is commonly known as the “CoolPeel® laser”, is the only technology that can perform a CoolPeel. The CoolPeel leverages the exclusive H-Pulse: a high-peak-power short pulse that delivers a fully-ablative treatment without causing thermal damage to surrounding tissue. Without thermal damage, downtime is drastically minimized. At the same time, the system delivers impressive superficial, skin-resurfacing results. 

The CoolPeel® improves:

  • The appearance of fine lines
  • Sun damage
  • Pore size 
  • Skin texture
  • Acne Scars

Cynosure Apogee Elite Laser

This dual laser consists of the 755 Alexandrite & 1064 Nd:Yag Indicated for laser hair removal and spider vein treatment.

Cynosure Lasers, truly the gold standard of lasers for laser hair removal.
Nd: YAG 1064 nm-Recommended for thick dark colored hairs, and medium to dark skin tone.
Alexandrite 755nm-Indicated for medium to dark hair and fair to medium skin tone.

Cool air never felt so good
With the Cynosure Laser, the Zimmer cooler hand piece continuously blows a cool airstream across the skin. Cool air helps diminish the sunburn feeling, almost instantly. Not only a relief during treatment, but very nice after treatment too! And that makes post treatment a little easier on you.

It’s clear why our staff and clientele LOVE the Cynosure Elite Aesthetic Workstation–fast and reliable results. But even the research shows how it outpaces the competition.

Scarlet RF

Scarlet SRF is intended for use in dermatologic and general surgical procedures for electrocoagulation and homeostasis.

Forever Young BBL

Forever Young BBL by Sciton is an innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of aging and sun damage and effectively provides a more refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

Fisher Compu-blend Advanced Programmable Epilator

Used for electrolysis procedures. Indicated for any hair color and works especially well with thick, white and gray hairs.


Dermapen is an automated micro-needling device, with a disposable tip cardtridge, that uses 11 micro-needles to vertically stamp the skin at a hight speed. The stamping action of the Dermapen’s vertical tip creates micro-injuries to the skin, stimulating new collagen production. In doing so, these micro-injuries encourage and harness the body’s innate ability to regrow and repair the skin through normal physiological process.

ZWave by Zimmer

ZWave is a non-surgical, FDA cleared treatment that used acoustic waves to reduce the appearance of cellulite

ZWave is also used after our non-invasive body shaping treatment to bust up pockets of damaged fat cells for faster metabolism and elimination of dead cells.